A large group of children pictured outside at a playground smiling and raising their hand.

Influencing Government

Canada’s government can be a powerful champion for children’s rights, health and well-being. Decisions made in Ottawa can help care for and protect children around the world – including those living in the most dangerous places. That’s why influencing government policy is such a critical part of our work.

Child and forced labour in Canadian supply chains

No Child for Sale

Advancing gender equality through advocacy

Gender Equality

The key for human rights

Education in Emergencies
Child Labour

Influencing the Canadian government to pass Bill S-211: Fighting Against Forced Labour and Child Labour in Supply Chains Act

Ottawa | 2023
Afghan Humanitarian Aid

Collaborating with other organizations to help pass Bill C-41 so that humanitarian assistance can reach Afghanistan

Ottawa | 2023

Connected Sustainable Development Goals

Sustainable Development Goal 08 logo: Decent work and economic growthSustainable Development Goal 16 logo: Peace, justice and strong institutionsSustainable Development Goal 17 logo: Partnerships for the goals


Two young girls smile at each other as they stand in a grass field with a bicycle.

Our Approach

Advocacy stands as one of World Vision’s three pillars, alongside our humanitarian relief and long-term development programs. Through our advocacy efforts, we elevate the voices of people who are facing problems, challenging policies, systems, structures, practices and attitudes that make it difficult for vulnerable children and their families to live full and flourishing lives.

Our advocacy work for children is passionate and persistent. One of the main ways we help is by advocating with the Canadian government, urging them to prioritize the world's most vulnerable children.

We help the Canadian government understand the situations children are facing and how it can best make a difference. We press for laws, policies and programs which both meet children's needs, and protect their God-given rights. We're persistent in our work to see these changes happen. And we hold governments accountable to following through on their plans.

World Vision has a team based in Ottawa. From there, we can:

  • be nimble in responding to breaking developments, seizing opportunities to champion children whenever possible.
  • focus on influencing government policy through meetings with the Prime Minister, cabinet ministers, parliamentarians, public servants and official government committees.
  • leverage our voice by joining with like-minded partners and coalitions to engage government.
  • conduct research into complex issues, prepare recommendations for future policies and programs and advocate for the prioritization of children.
How is your advocacy and policy work in Ottawa linked to your work in the field?

The advocacy and policy work we do in Ottawa is a force multiplier for child well-being and complements our programming efforts in the field. Our local presence in nearly 100 countries around the world helps us identify the specific needs — and provides the evidence — that drives our advocacy work here in Canada.

We work to see that Canada's government is making sound decisions in its global affairs. This includes choices around programs, trade, diplomacy and funding. We want to see support and respect for the well-being of children around the world in each of these areas.

As part of our work with communities overseas, we empower leaders and parents with tools on how to advocate with their own local governments. We teach them about existing laws, so they can advocate for their enforcement. For instance, most countries have policies protecting children's education. But what if the government has provided no teachers for the community? That's why local-level advocacy is a central part of our community development programming. For communities around the world, knowing their country's laws, their children's rights, and the ways to act can make all the difference moving forward. This empowerment is part of what makes change sustainable, long after World Vision leaves an area.

How are your arguments informed by the children you serve?

Our work in the halls of power would be empty without our work for children in the communities and countries where they live. That's where we gain a clear understanding of how children's rights are violated and their needs overlooked. It's where we see firsthand how neglecting and exploiting children can devastate their lives. And it's how we come to understand the barriers in place when families try to speak up.

This evidence drives our proposals for change to Canada's global policies. We engage children as decision-makers and change-agents, bringing their voices into policy discussions and sharing their stories with government. And the impact of our development and advocacy work is a powerful example of how the right kind of programming can change lives.



A young girl sits in a classroom while writing on a notebook.

Learn 8 facts about international development assistance, a vital tool for meeting the world’s toughest challenges.

Read more(link opens in new tab/window)
A group of students march down a sidewalk wearing black graduation caps and gowns.

The first-of-its-kind Youth Political Advocacy Framework covers the basics of how youth can engage in social activism, political participation, and decision-making processes.

Read more(link opens in new tab/window)
A young boy in a classroom hangs over a chair, smiling.

Conflict and humanitarian emergencies have created a global education crisis that is limiting the futures of more than 200 million children around the world.

Read more(link opens in new tab/window)
Unless otherwise stated, data presented on this page reflects the most up-to-date results of World Vision Canada programs reported between October 2022 and September 2023, and any previous fiscal years available. Previously reported data may not match the current presentation as we continuously receive and refine data from our programs. If you have any questions, kindly reach out to us.