Dominican Republic

World Vision has been active in the Dominican Republic for more than 30 years and currently benefits more than 21,000 children directly and approximately 340,000 children and youth indirectly. The focus of our programs in the Dominican Republic are education, child protection and emergencies. We also put a high emphasis on advocacy, particularly in trying to influence the government and its services.

Partnering since


people reached




Level of Fragility

High Developing

Gender Equality Rank


358people are participating in activities that provide spiritual nurture and encouragement for children.


577caregivers were trained in methods of supporting their children's reading skills.


903community members, including children, were trained in disaster risk reduction strategies.

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A beautiful view of lush green mountains meeting a sandy beach and bright blue waters

Country Details

World Vision has been active in the Dominican Republic for more than 30 years and currently benefits more than 21,000 children directly and approximately 340,000 children and youth indirectly. The focus of our programs are education, child protection and emergencies. We also put a high emphasis on advocacy, particularly in trying to influence the government and its services.
World Vision Dominican Republic
World Vision has been serving children and adolescents in the Dominican Republic since 1989. We have witnessed profound changes in the country as we work to provide tools and opportunities to more than 45,000 girls, boys and adolescents every year. We focus our efforts in communities with the worst levels of violence and where young people’s rights are most vulnerable. Our programs focus on ensuring access to quality, inclusive education; upholding protection for a childhood free of all forms of abuse; providing emergency support through humanitarian assistance and economic development for the sustainability of Dominican children and adolescents. ...
A large group of children pictured outside at a playground smiling and raising their hand.


Unless otherwise stated, data presented on this page reflects the most up-to-date results of World Vision Canada programs reported between October 2022 and September 2023, and any previous fiscal years available. Previously reported data may not match the current presentation as we continuously receive and refine data from our programs. If you have any questions, kindly reach out to us.