World Vision Iraq continues to geographically expand and grow our presence to respond to the evolving needs of vulnerable boys and girls, including their families and communities. This is being done with strong intentionality to deepen our commitment to children having positive relationships and dignified lives.
Responding to the needs and the changing context in post-conflict Iraq, World Vision Iraq provides short-term emergency relief in addition to medium and long-term recovery assistance for the most vulnerable children, women and men to help alleviate their suffering and rebuild their lives. Our response prioritizes interventions in water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH), health, food assistance, livelihoods, education, child protection and faith & development activities.
Cross-cutting themes are integrated into each of these sectors, including gender equality and social inclusion (GESI) and social cohesion. World Vision Iraq builds on its local and global capacity and evidence-based approaches to maintain adoptable technical expertise that effectively impacts the lives of children, their families, and communities.