Garba Tulla Area Program

Program Type

Community Development

Planned Life Cycle

2009 - 2024



Areas of Focus

Child Protection and Participation | Health

Program Timeline

Status: Closing in 2024

3,000people participated in community-level advocacy and social accountability initiatives, including Citizens Voice and Action groups.

2,289patient consultations were provided by community health workers through projects supported by World Vision.

1,420children attended early childhood development centres.

The community of Garba Tulla has graduated

In 2024, the community transitioned from sponsorship to self-sufficiency. Because of the dedication and partnership of sponsors like you, local people and organizations have been equipped to continue leading the community’s development – and that is something to celebrate!

A white jeep driving through a muddy path, featuring a rainbow and trees in the background.

Program Details

With the help of your generous and loving support, life in Garba Tulla has transformed. Children and families are much stronger now. The community has met its goals, they have graduated to self-sufficiency and World Vision is leaving the community to help another one. Your support will have a lasting impact for years to come.


The Garba Tulla community borders the renowned Meru National Park, home to elephants, hippos, rhinos, lions, and other wild animals. The district is hot and dry most of the year, with scarce and unreliable rainfall averaging 580 mm per year. Ongoing drought has made daily life a struggle to survive.

Over 95% of families depend on livestock, crop production, and marketing as their sources of income. Raising livestock is embedded into the cultural way of life, and everything revolves around it. However, recurring drought is having a serious impact on livestock and crop production. 74% of the population lives below the poverty line, and this number is increasing. Garba Tulla is one of the neediest communities in the country.


Read more of Garba Tulla’s achievements in the Results below.

An image of children sitting on the ground in a classroom, writing in workbooks.


Unless otherwise stated, data presented on this page reflects the most up-to-date results of World Vision Canada programs reported between October 2022 and September 2023, and any previous fiscal years available. Previously reported data may not match the current presentation as we continuously receive and refine data from our programs. If you have any questions, kindly reach out to us.