Youth Ready participants in Ecuador smile brightly after completing a session.

Vision For Vulnerable Youth Initiative (VVYI): Phase II Endline Evaluation


Temesgen Bocher, Alirio Zelaya, and Farley Montealegre (WVI)



Areas of Focus

Education, Livelihoods and Gender Equality & Social Inclusion

Vision for Vulnerable Youth Initiative (VVYI) is a Barrett Family Foundation (BFF) funded project operational since 2017, implemented by World Vision Canada in collaboration with seven World Vision country offices namely: Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Peru. The central objective of the Youth Ready-VVYI was to overcome obstacles hindering young individuals from pursuing education, obtaining employment, and establishing sustainable entrepreneurial ventures.


During phase II (October 2019 to Sept.2023) of the VVYI program, a total of nearly 140,000 youth benefited from the project among which 11,000 (62% Female) are direct beneficiaries in 7-countries. During this period, 1,362 youth got employed, 4,789 resumed their education, and 2,078 started their business. These figures excluded the number of youths who reached through other funding sources.


This endline evaluation reveals that the project has achieved its intended goals of improving well-being for youth and adolescent and their families, creating an enabling environment for enhanced access to services such as employment, education, and business opportunities besides social, mental and emotional support; and improved youth participation and decision making. The project contributed to the sustainable local development agenda by working hands-on-hands with local community-based organizations, faith organizations, private sector actors, local implementing partners and government institutions.

Invest in stronger communities

When you give where most needed, you’ll help provide things like healthcare, safety, food, clean water and more to vulnerable children and families around the world. It’s a powerful way to help fight poverty and hunger, and give hope to those in need.

A young woman shows a tree painted on a mural with the hands of the participants of the Youth Ready program.
Unless otherwise stated, data presented on this page reflects the most up-to-date results of World Vision Canada programs reported between October 2022 and September 2023, and any previous fiscal years available. Previously reported data may not match the current presentation as we continuously receive and refine data from our programs. If you have any questions, kindly reach out to us.