Health Pooled Fund III: Implementing Partners to Provide Essential Health Care Services in South Sudan

Program Type

Chronic Emergencies & Fragile Contexts

Planned Life Cycle

2019 - 2024


South Sudan

Areas of Focus

Health | Gender Equality and Social Inclusion

Program Status


Lead Agency

World Vision Canada

96,464people participated in trainings, counseling or activities on reproductive, maternal, newborn, child and adolescent health.


63,642patient consultations were provided by health professionals through projects supported by World Vision.


31,100children and adults were trained on child protection, including positive parenting, children's rights and early marriage.

A white jeep driving through a muddy path, featuring a rainbow and trees in the background.

Program Details

The Health Pooled Fund Phase 3 (HPF3) in South Sudan is a five-year performance-based financing multi-donor project. During year 2 implementation, it covered the Yambio and Nzara counties in Western Equatoria. The project benefitted an estimated population of 197,603 people in Yambio county, including 6,001 pregnant women and 34,434 children under 5; and 89,842 people in Nzara county, including 3,599 pregnant women and 15,602 children under 5. This project covered five major outputs: Emergency Preparedness and Response, Gender and Social Inclusion, Monitoring and Evaluation, Risk issues and Management Responses, Financial overview, and Conflict Sensitivity, Safeguarding and stories of special interest

Year 2 of the HPF3 project implementation focused on:

  • improving the delivery and increasing availability and readiness of quality health services at facilities,
  • strengthening the community level interventions that increase awareness,prevention and treatment of common conditions,
  • ensuring availability of safe, effective and quality essential medicines and supplies
  • establishing stable health systems that enhance accountability and are responsive to the needs of the people, and
  • providing funds and processes that are efficient, effective, inclusive and offer value for money. 

To achieve these objectives, World Vision, in consortium with the Catholic Diocese of Tambura and Yambio (CDTY), continued to provide primary and secondary health care services through a network of 20 supported health facilities. In Yambio county, 12 health facilities (including 7 PHCUs, 4 PHCCs and 1 state hospital) were supported. In Nzara County, 8 health facilities (including 4PHCCs and 4 PHCUs) were supported. All the facilities were functional throughout the reporting period.

A close-up photo of an infant being fed drinking water from a yellow measuring cup.


Unless otherwise stated, data presented on this page reflects the most up-to-date results of World Vision Canada programs reported between October 2022 and September 2023, and any previous fiscal years available. Previously reported data may not match the current presentation as we continuously receive and refine data from our programs. If you have any questions, kindly reach out to us.