RESILIENT-WE is a gender-transformative project that uses a combination of gender-transformative approaches and models to challenge discriminatory social and gender norms, expand opportunities for women and girls, and contribute to their empowerment and resilience.
The project engages men and boys using the MenCare fathers’ group approach to promote gender equality and sharing of unpaid care work at the household level. MenCare helps men critically reflect on the cultural and gender norms perpetuating women's and girls' devaluation. The approach promotes positive involvement of men in the lives of their partners and children, creating an opportunity for greater and more equitable partner relations, reduction in violence against women and children, and lifelong benefits for daughters and sons and the overall well-being of the family.
Channels of Hope for Gender
RESILIENT-WE is using the inter-faith Channels of Hope for Gender (CoH-G) model. This model integrates faith commitments with other technical sectors and empowers communities to take actions that contribute to their development. By training faith leaders in the model, the project equips them with knowledge and tools to help mobilize their faith communities to form Congregational Hope Action Teams (CHAT) and other groups in order to sensitize their communities about gender inequities and injustice. Once established, the groups form networks that support and empower the most vulnerable women and girls.
Community Change
Complementing MenCare and CoH-G, the project is also using Community Change (CC), a model that involves facilitated dialogues among community members to explore the underlying beliefs, socio-cultural norms and traditional practices that contribute to gender inequalities and the continued undervaluation of women and girls. Through these dialogues, community members are empowered to develop their own solutions and plans for social change.